A bad day. Not a bad life!

One bad day might feel like torture ...
Many bad days in a row might make you hate life ...

Sometimes you want to give up because you think it’s pointless. You think your life is so bad that you have no motivation at all. You have no motivation for anything, not even for things which actually make you happy. Life can hit you really hard sometimes, but that doesn’t mean your life is miserable. Of course, there might be a couple of days which make you question everything and feel absolutely desperate.

What you have to understand, though, is that bad days don’t make your whole life bad. In life, there are always ups and downs. Maybe sometimes there might even be more downs, but after every down life can just get better. Life prepares a few challenges for each and every one of us. We have to face them to be able to grow and learn.

Without these downs you would never be who you are meant to be. Even if you don't get it right now. Always remember that everything happens for a reason.